Saturday, July 19, 2008
Use Free Stop Smoking Techniques To Your Max
You need a budget to continue with your habit of smoking and you need a budget as well to quit smoking. Even if you find that the budget to quit smoking is higher than the one to continue with the habit, the former is the better option.
What if, in between your efforts to quit smoking you come across the program of free stop smoking techniques? Indeed, it is a blessing in disguise. Anything that restricts your budget to quit smoking is most welcome to you.
Many non-profit organizations conduct free quit-smoking programs in a routine manner. These organizations have the good of society at heart. American Cancer Society is one such organization. It has online programs, so that a large number of people all over the world are benefited by them. Their literature is authentic, motivating and contains many a quit-smoking tips. Negative effects of smoking are discussed in detail. They have a 24 hour hotline which means you can speak to them regarding any of your problems any time during the day.
As direct effect of nicotine is on your lungs, the American Heart and Lung Association also provides many free quit smoking sessions. Accomplished and knowledgeable counselors manage the hotline and render all possible help to you in your moments of crisis. You get free tips to quit smoking online. They have a listing of affordable quit smoking products.
With your will power to quit smoking, take the help of a variety of free quit smoking methods. Your cigarette craving is bound to beat the retreat, be sure. Chew a tooth pick, let your hands that introduce you to the cigarette smoking habit and remain busy. The mouth is busy in any case, dealing with the toothpick. In the meantime, continue with some nicotine replacement quit smoking products, so that your mind remains switched off. It doesn't think about smoking!
In your enthusiasm to quit smoking, don't buy all and sundry products, and cheap over the counter products. You need to have a well drawn out strategy and wok according to a plan. Free stop smoking help techniques are meant to free you from the addiction. You are not following them simply for the sake of enumeration
Quit smoking cigarettes are another tool. You will have the psychological satisfaction that you are 'smoking'. The smokers are mostly depressed people. Some anti depressant medications are also doing good rounds to help you quit smoking.
The herbal cigarettes, herbal inhalers and acupuncture are some other tools that promise you freedom from smoking habit.
Your enemy nicotine is hiding in a deeply entrenched trench. You have to attack from all fronts to flush him out!
Look For Information And Encouragement At A Stop Smoking Forum
Wherever you look, the writing is on the wall; cigarette smoking is injurious to health. However, this statutory warning is unable to reflect the horror of the disease and death that cigarette causes so that now in many places a cigarette pack also contains the skull and bones image to better drive in the point. Smokers not only put their lives in peril but also cause all those around them to suffer the dangers of passive smoking.
Quitting smoking tests the nerves of smokers to the extent that they may need help and support to accomplish this seemingly insurmountable task. The extreme physical and emotional dependence on nicotine causes the smoker to experience great anguish while quitting smoking. However, a strong determination coupled with aid and support can make the burden easier on the smoker. One option to make quitting successful is by participating in stop smoking forums. The online forums are a great source of information and motivation to stop smoking.
Forum as a source of information:
If you do not feel that you can adopt the cold turkey method to stop smoking, you can try out the stop smoking forum to enlighten you on various aspects of giving up the habit. Here, you will find abundant information on alternative therapies, traditional treatment methods and so on. Those smokers who are first timers at quitting can get a lot of help from the information that is prominently displayed for this very purpose. One important and immensely valuable feature of a stop smoking forum is the experiences of former and present smokers that are posted. Their feedback is very crucial because it tells you about the mistakes that they made or the successful tactics that they adopted. You can thus, steer clear from similar mistakes and emulate their winning strategy.
Social pressure:
While you gain from the experience of others it is also a good idea to share your own stop smoking plan. So, introduce yourself to the stop smoking forum and talk about the route that you are taking to quitting, the problems that you are facing as well as how you have successfully overcome some obstacles. This will benefit other smokers trying to quit who will take courage from your experiences. So while you have to put up with the splitting headaches caused by withdrawal, knowing that you are a source of encouragement to others will make it more bearable. Another manner in which stop smoking forums can be beneficial to you is that when you start interacting socially via the forum you are under greater pressure to maintain your non-smoking status, which will make it very awkward and difficult for you to light up even if you want to.
It is easier to suffer a relapse when you are alone in your quest to stop smoking. Whereas, when you have to post your progress every day on the forum, cheating yourself and others will be task that will not come easily to you. And if you do succumb, talking about it on the stop smoking forum will not only lessen your guilt but will also bring out encouragement from others to not lose heart but keep at it.
So, explore your social environment and network to derive maximum benefit from it to help you succeed in your struggle to give up this dreadful habit.
Use Acupuncture To Stop Smoking And Be Free From The Clutches Of Smoking
Author Roy Dobson
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical treatment. It involves in stimulating some particles of the human body for deriving specific outputs. Do not be horrified, as acupuncture is done by piercing the skin with thin needles. It is not painful but seems to be relaxing.
All smokers can use acupuncture to stop smoking. If you are a chain smoker and cannot quit the bad habit at all, then acupuncture can be a good option for helping you quit smoking. It can give you really positive results, where other methods to stop smoking have failed. Yes, acupuncture decreases chronic smoking habits.
The Prerequisites
Once you have reached a decision for using acupuncture to stop smoking, you must first and foremost get a licensed acupuncture practitioner. Make sure that you find a practitioner who has a proper medical cultivation and who can better assess the medical treatment required by you.
The process of acupuncture
Acupuncture is usually done on the cartilage of your ears. Do not worry, the procedure is safe, just ensure that the needles are useful ones, that is they should be purified to avoid contamination.
When you go for acupuncture to stop smoking, the acupuncturist will ask you a lot of questions to understand your health, behavior and lifestyle. Open out to the acupuncturist and do not conceal facts concerning any medical complications or any medications that you might be taking presently. It is only then that the acupuncturist will be able to tell you exactly how many acupuncture sessions you will be requiring.
The needles are pricked on the ear, hands and wrist of the smoker. The needles remain pierced on your skin for 30 to 45 minutes and this relaxes you. The result is that the pricked needles lessen the cravings for smoking.
As the needle pricking sessions are going on, the therapist recommends you to undergo herbal treatments. For speeding up the process of acupuncture to stop smoking, you can apply a mixture of wintergreen and clove oil, Sichuan lovage rhizomes and the extracts of evodia fruits in the acupuncture points.
The therapist will give you the up-to-date information about the progress that you are making. Depending on your condition, the acupuncture to stop smoking can go on for a few days or may continue for maybe a couple of weeks.
The after-effects of acupuncture
When you are done with the acupuncture treatment, the cigarettes seem to have a foul and nasty burnt taste; you do not feel like smoking. Yes, acupuncture to stop smoking also decreases the side effects of nicotine withdrawal, like cravings, depression and anxiety.
The acupuncture treatment also helps in de-congesting your lungs and improves your blood circulation.
Try acupuncture if you seriously want to quit smoking. Do not let your desire to stop smoking just be another New Year resolution that you intend to break. Trust acupuncture, and free yourself from the addiction of smoking.
The Essential Stop Smoking Tips
If you are a smoker who is trying to stop smoking after years of puffing on cigarettes, you can make stopping easier by following some simple tips:
Throw out all cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters, etc. Remove the implements of your smoking habit so the temptation is reduced, and to make it more difficult to smoke again.
Plan some distractions for yourself. When you stop smoking, you are dramatically altering your normal daily activities. You’ll have extra time that you used to spend smoking. Make sure you have something to occupy the former smoking periods. If you normally smoke after meals, plan to do something else like work on a puzzle, walk for 10 minutes, read a book, etc.
Stay away from other smokers. Your smoking buddies at work probably don’t want you to stop smoking because they may miss your company, and they will probably feel guilty about their own smoking weakness. They’ll try to pull you back in to smoking, if you give them a chance. Don’t. Make a clean break from other smokers. Stay away from bars, smoking sections in restaurants, and other places you could be exposed to smoke and other smokers.
Get plenty of rest. You may feel tired after you stop. That’s normal for many people who stop smoking. Don’t fight it. Get extra sleep and allow your body to do the work it needs to begin rebuilding itself.
Drink lots of water. Water is essential to life. Water flushes and cleans the body. Make sure your body has plenty of water to get the nicotine and toxins flushed from your system. Drinking water can also help satisfy oral cravings you may have after you cut out the cigarettes.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The Big Stop Smoking Secret
By: Brent Crouch
If you've made the decision that you are finally going to quit smoking for good-congratulations. Having the motivation is half the battle. Now you're probably going to take a trip to the drugstore to buy a stop smoking aid such as a Nicotine Replacement Therapy-and you're about to find an overwhelming and rather costly array of products awaiting you. From nicotine gums and patches to cigarette filters to herbal capsules, the stop-smoking industry is a million-dollar business. And yet there are plenty of people who have tried everything and are still smoking a pack a day. How can this be? While its true that nicotine is a very addictive substance, the habit of smoking has a lot to do with factors beyond nicotine. This is the big secret to successfully quitting-smoking is as much an emotional habit as a physical addiction, and you need to manage both aspects of the problem.
Have you ever paid attention to the times you smoke? Most people light a cigarette right after they eat, or when they are stressed or bored. This has little to do with the amount of nicotine in your body at a given time. This is a force of habit, a pattern you have conditioned yourself into following. and you need to focus on breaking this pattern, because if you don't, you're more likely to fail in your mission to quit-and failure is just not something you can afford when it comes to dropping cigarettes.
For many people, the smoking habit is born of a nervous need to be doing something or holding something with their hands. Next time you want to reach for a cigarettes, try knitting, painting, playing the piano, anything you enjoy that will keep your hands occupied. When a craving hits, breathe slowly for two minutes. Typically, even the worst of cravings can't survive unanswered for longer than 2 minutes. If you can withstand the craving for two minutes and fill that stretch of time with some focused breathing, you'll be in the clear.
When you decide you're going to quit, smoke your last cigarette and then throw all the rest of them away. Don't keep any leftover in your house-this will be too painful a temptation. Once you give in and smoke one cigarette, one all too easily becomes two, three, four. Try sips of water or a healthy snack to manage cravings.
That's the secret to success in your journey to a cigarette free life-pay attention to both the nicotine dependence and the force of habit that conspire together to tempt you to smoke. If you can take both of these things under your control, you can beat your addiction much more easily than you might have thought possible. Good Luck!
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How to Stop Smoking: A Five Step Crash Course
If you have ever wondered how to stop smoking, this is the article for you. Below, you will find a five step crash course that can help you kick the habit in a very short amount of time. Always wondered what it would be like to not smoke anymore? There has never been a better time than now to finally get up the courage and the motivation to quit. So what do you say? How would you like to quit smoking once and for all? Read on to find out how.
Before you start down the long and windy path to a smoke free life, you need to ask yourself one simple question. Do you really want to give up smoking? That's it. If you say yes, you really do want to stop smoking once and for all, then by all means, it's time for you to learn how to live without cigarettes for support. On the other hand, if you're not sure or you feel that you are being pressured into quitting by outside forces other than yourself, you may not be ready to stop your bad habit just yet. You can try to quit, but unless you really want to, you may not be as successful.
Once you are sure that you want to quit, you need to start motivating yourself. Get yourself in the mood to be done with cigarettes once and for all. And how can you do that? By telling yourself that you are ready to quit smoking. By asking your family and friends to remind you every time you light up. By researching different ways to quit smoking on the internet or looking up various natural alternatives to anti-smoking medication that may be the perfect solution to your problem. These are all things you can do to get motivated to drop your habit.
Third, you need to enlist the help of your family and friends so that you constantly have a support group around you. While it may be in your best interests to join a dedicated anti-smoking support group too, there will come a time when those people aren't around to help you make sure you don't light up. If you're wondering how to stop smoking, you need to have a group of family and friends who want to see you succeed as much as you want to.
Fourth, you need to get rid of all of the cigarettes in your house, in your car, at your office desk, and wherever else you may have a few packs or cartons stashed away. Having cigarettes around will only make you want to smoke even more than you already do. Remember, during the quitting process, you will have urges to light up again, and if you have cigarettes just lying around, there will be a lot of temptation to have just one. Also, if possible, avoid contact with smokers in your daily life, as they will just remind you how good you felt when you were a smoker.
Finally, enlist the help of natural anti-smoking products. Studies have shown that all of those fancy and expensive medications to help you quit smoking are not as effective as they make themselves out to be. If you are looking for a surefire way to quit smoking once and for all--and you don't have the willpower to go cold turkey, then maybe some natural anti-smoking remedies may be just what you need. After all, if you want to win the fight against smoking, you will need to enlist all of the help that you can get.
Sustainable Living Articles @
All the GREAT benefits you’ll EXPERIENCE when you QUIT smoking!
... your blood pressure and pulse rate to return to normal. The temperature of your hands and feet will also have returned to normal.
Within 8 hours ………… you can expect………….
......your blood oxygen levels to have increased to normal limits and carbon monoxide levels to have dropped to normal.
Within 24 hours ………… you can expect…………
...your risk of sudden heart attack to have substantially decreased
Within 48 hours ………… you can expect……..
.... nerve endings to start re-growing and your sense of smell and taste to begin returning to normal.
Within 72 hours ………… you can expect…………
......your entire body to test 100% nicotine-free with over 90% of all nicotine metabolites to have now passed through your urine. You can also expect the symptoms of chemical withdrawal to have peaked in intensity. Your bronchial tubes will begin relaxing and thus make breathing easier, and your lung capacity will also begin to increase.
Within 10 days to two weeks.....………… you can expect……..
...your body to have adjusted to the physical functioning without nicotine and the 3,500 particles and more than 500 gases present in each puff.
Within 3 weeks to 3 months ………… you can expect……….
.....your circulation to have improved substantially, for walking to have become easier, and your overall lung function to have shown an amazing increase of up to thirty percent.
Within 1 to 9 months………… you can expect……..
.......any sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath to have decreased. Cilia have regrown in your lungs thereby increasing their ability to handle mucus, keep your lungs clean, and reduce infections. Your body's overall energy will have increased.
Within 1 year……… you can expect………………….
......your excess risk of coronary heart disease to drop to less than half that of a smoker
Within 5 year……… you can expect………………….
... your risk of stroke is reduced to that of a nonsmoker at 5-15 years after quitting.
Within 10 year……… you can expect………………….
... your risk of death from lung cancer to have decreased by almost half if you were an average smoker (one pack a day). Your risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus is now half that of a smoker's.
Within 15 year……… you can expect………………….
.. your risk of coronary heart disease to now be that of a person who has never smoked. Your overall risk of death has returned to nearly that of a person who has never smoked.
Many thanks to the National Cancer Institute's "Smoking: Facts and Tips for Quitting" for their help in compiling this article.
Why is it so difficult to quit smoking?
Yet, we keep on doing it…despite the health warnings, despite the advice of our family and friends and despite all the public bans.
Yet, the irony is – most smokers, in fact as nearly every survey shows the vast majority of all smokers WANT to quit.
Yet, despite this desire, most of us find it extremely difficult to stop.
Why is it so difficult? For smokers, it seems the greatest puzzle of all......
And yet, if we are willing to look at smoking from a radical FRESH perspective , it’s actually no mystery at all.................... !
‘I’ll never do it’
First of all, most smokers who want to give up start off with the completely wrong attitude. Can you be honest with yourself?
When you try to give up, what do you really feel?
I bet you start off, not really believing that you will succeed. You start off more with hope than conviction.
You believe you may last a few days - maybe weeks if you are lucky and nothing important or really stressful happens in your life.
But deep down, you feel that you are climbing a 'Mount Everest' and that it will be extremely difficult to stop. It's really a question of -- 'Let's keep our fingers crossed - but don't expect too much'.
You see, it is vital that you try to develop a more positive and confident attitude towards giving up BEFORE you decide to quit. Note the word, ‘before’.
And the key to developing this confidence, before you decide to quit is UNDERSTANDING the nature of smoking and what makes it so difficult to stop ?
If we don’t do this, it will always be difficult. Try this experiment……
An Eye-Opening Experiment
Right now, take out a cigarette and gently tear it apart.
Then.... place it on the table in front of you. What you will be left with..... are little brown pieces of material (tobacco), a filter and strips of white paper.
Dead, inanimate material.
For the next few minutes, just spend a little while studying this raw material.
Maybe get a pen and ruffle through it. Really study it.
Now ask yourself:
Would you find the ACTUAL physical act of INHALING that smoke ENJOYABLE?
Would you stick your head in a fireplace to inhale it's smoke?
Try to be honest with yourself as you do this exercise. I know it is difficult, but it is well worth the effort to face the truth.
I want you to do another exercise now.
I want you to smoke a cigarette. ( Please note if you have already stopped smoking and are just using this article to help you remain an non-smoker, this exercise does not apply to you. Do the exercise in your mind ).
Now I want you to smoke the cigarette...... in a special way.
I want you to smoke With COMPLETE AWARENESS of what you are DOING.
I want you to start now and with full attention, take six deep pulls of the cigarette.
Now as you do this, just be AWARE of what you are DOING and..... of the smoke going into your lungs.
Do not think about anything else.
Just focus, concentrate TOTALLY on the actual act of smoking MOMENT-BY-MOMENT.
Now I want you to tell me.......
WHAT GREAT SENSATIONS OR ENJOYMENT are you experiencing as you do this?
Well, what……..?
Try to describe to me the wonderful experience that we ex-smokers are being deprived of. Strange isn't !
When we do this exercise, we realize that most of the time when we smoke, we are totally UNAWARE of what we are doing.
We have to be - because if we smoke and remain FULLY AWARE of the ACTUAL ACT of smoking moment-by-moment, we would lose all the enjoyment.
We would see through the illusion of
For the next few days, just watch people smoking.
After they lit up and take the first pull, 99% of smokers forget they are smoking. They are unaware of what they are doing.
They continue smoking blindly......,automatically........ In fact they might as well be not smoking at all..............!!
99% of people who smoke everyday are unconscious of what they are doing - after their first puff.
This is a very important point, because it reveals an extraordinary truth.
The pleasure, those 'warm, relaxing pleasurable' feelings that we experience when we smoke do NOT actually come from the cigarette.
I know that it will take time to convince you of this truth because the two seem so intertwined - so connected.
This will take time for you to accept but …..look again at the torn-up cigarette lying on the table.
It is a dead, life-less piece of material? Isn't it?
No. Of course not! The truth is......
It is YOU who generate the pleasurable-relaxed safe feelings you experience when you smoke and..... it is YOU who have associated them totally with the act of smoking.
'That smoking feeling'.....
Later on, in DAY 4, of our course, we’ll explain how this process began.
But, right now, what this means is that every time you smoke or more importantly, even think of having a cigarette, you unconsciously release these feelings.
This, in turn, causes the release of certain chemical secretions in your brain and nervous system which cause you to experience that ' certain feeling' you get when you smoke.
The Implications.....
Can you begin to see the implications of this ?
It is YOU by your mental intention to smoke that causes the release of these brain chemicals - not the cigarette. The desire for the cigarette is only the trigger.
But because you believe it is the cigarette ( not an unreasonable assumption !) you believe you MUST smoke to get those feelings.
But even more importantly, you believe that if you stop smoking, you will NEVER experience those lovely, relaxed safe feelings again.
That is what ex-smokers mean when they say 'they long for a cigarette'.
What they really mean is they long to experience those certain PLEASURABLE feelings again.
If you think about it, that's one of the main reasons why you really smoke - isn't it ? To enjoy that feeling - that sensation ! And what is your greatest fear if you give up?
Losing that pleasure, that enjoyment, that need, that security that you believe the cigarette provides.
The truth is….
We smoke because we want to experience those pleasant feelings that we have unconsciously linked to smoking.
A New Possibility
Lets look again at one of our torn-up cigarette on the table.
With your pen, play around with it.
Really examine it closely. It's hard to believe, isn't it, that this life-less, nothing-less substance can cause so much trouble in your life?
But what is more extraordinary is the awesome powers and qualities that we humans have attributed to it ?
We believe it can......
Not only have we accepted all those false beliefs, but we have even managed to convince ourselves THAT IT IS ACTUALLY ENJOYABLE TO INHALE IT'S LIFE-DESTROYING, FILTHY SMOKE INTO OUR LUNGS.
Daily suicide?
As smokers, we have all committed the same folly. We have all been in the same boat and made the same foolish mistakes.
But the good news is that we don't have to continue on this suicide mission. The simple truth is......
We find it difficult to give up smoking, not because it is enjoyable, or because it helps us to relax, but because WE BELIEVE that it does all these things for us!
We also believe that if we attempt to give up, it will involve nothing but pain and suffering.
And who wants to face extra pain and agony in their lives?
Yet...Yet....YET.... you need not face ANY pain or agony when you stop smoking if you will just STOP and RELEASE all these false beliefs BEFORE you decide to quit smoking.
Then your whole experience of quitting will be totally transformed....... All Rights Reserved.
How reading this article..... will make you a Happy non-smoker for life!
Here's how......
How the Story began......
When we are kids, we all see the adults around us smoking. In fact, this is the reason 90% of us start smoking in the first place.
And yet if we ask for one, we are refused and told that it is a terrible, horrible habit; that it tastes awful and that it will kill us!
But, of course as a little kid, we are puzzled and don’t know what to believe:
And so as a kid, you unconsciously come to the only logical conclusion........:
....''If it can do all these horrible things but people still want to do it - in fact feel terrible if they have to stop - surely there must be something really pleasurable in smoking. Why else would people do it?'
And so, subconsciously the unconscious belief grows in us that, at the very least, cigarette must contain some magical hidden attraction.
There must be some great hidden pleasure or enjoyment in them - why else would people continue to do something that is killing them?
And then so as we get older - and actually smoke our first cigarette, we are further puzzled.
We get nothing at all from the experience - in fact it tastes awful - but yet the next day, we will continue on with this experiment.
Why ?
Because we are convinced (brainwashed?) that it is an inherently pleasurable act.
We reason: "Maybe I just haven't found it yet?
And so we continue...... and of course, unknown to ourselves we become hooked - addicted.
We don't realize it at first - but if we attempt to stop for any reason, we are suddenly surprised to find that it is not as easy as we had imagined.
And then as we attempt to find out why this is so, we fall prone to even more of society's brainwashing (deeply ingrained beliefs) about smoking.
We are told by everybody - even people who have NEVER smoked (how would they know!!) about how difficult it will be to stop and that you will have to suffer, if you want to give up for good.
Most of us have no idea of the extent and the extraordinary power this subtle mental conditioning has over us.
More than nicotine addiction?
In fact, if in giving up smoking, all we had to deal with was the chemical addiction the process would, indeed, be easy. But we are also psychologically addicted to smoking.
Even though this 'mental conditioning' is only a series of thoughts held in your mind about smoking, these thoughts and beliefs are the Key factor that will determine your success in giving up smoking and actually ENJOYING the process.
It is amazing how much we genuinely believe all the illusions about smoking.
We all genuinely believe that they do something for us - that they are a help, a joy, a comfort, a friend....... And that if they go, we'll miss them terribly.
Can you for the first time in your like ALLOW yourself to think the UNTHINKABLE:
You can FULLY ENJOY yourself without NEEDING to smoke. |
But right now, you believe this illusion totally, that you need to smoke to be happy….….and it is your total acceptance of this belief that keeps you trapped in this addictive habit.
It all happens very subtly........
Your body is fine and complete before you begin to smoke.
You are able to get on with ALL aspects of your life without giving the slightest thought to cigarettes EVEN if everybody around you, like your parents are smoking.
When you were young, did you feel your day was ruined if you could not smoke? Did you feel nervous, uncomfortable or unable to concentrate because you could not smoke?
Of course not. Your life went on perfectly normally as a non-smoker.
Before you were a smoker, you were able to get on with EVERY aspect of your life without even giving a thought to cigarettes even if everyone around you was smoking. Soon you will be back to that state,,,,,,
Then, one day you decide to smoke.
To experiment. You force nicotine into your body.
You smoke.
Your body responds by either coughing or if you smoke too much by producing physical sensations of sickness or a dizzy feeling.
This is simply our bodies setting off alarm signals - trying to tell us we are putting an unwelcome poisonous substance into our body.
BUT we ignore it.
We keep on smoking, because deep down..... we are convinced there must be something in it...... and although we will swear that we are not hooked, " I can give up anytime I want - I just don't want to do it now" - we continue on.
But very soon we begin to realize we NEED that next cigarette.
We get a certain feeling ....... a certain emptiness ........ a desire ......... that we feel a cigarette will fill.
We feel uneasy as if we are lacking something .........
We reach for a cigarette - and within seconds, fresh nicotine is supplied and this unexplained hunger or emptiness is filled.
We feel relief and a great pleasure that that empty feeling is gone.
But something else is happening, at a subconscious level that most of us are not aware of.
When we smoke that cigarette and satisfy our craving, we F-E-E-L a great sense of relief and we unconsciously DECIDE TO ENJOY THE MOMENT.
" I'll take a break from what I'm doing". Or if you have a problem........, "I'll allow myself to take a break from worrying about it for a few minutes just to enjoy this cigarette "
---- And so you enter for that brief moment into a relaxed, safe, work-free, problem-free period 'enjoying' the cigarette.
For those few minutes......... you ALLOW yourself time to think, FREE of all your worries and concerns.
For that brief period........ you put aside ALL your worries and problems.....
And…… as time goes on, these 'pleasant, relaxed FEELINGS' become interlinked - totally linked with smoking and certain parts of your day.
Every time you have a cigarette you mentally and emotionally ALLOW yourself ( even if you are unconscious of this happening ) to have a break from your work or worries and for that moment you feel.......
And Secure.
For those few moments, as you smoke...... you do not feel threatened by your problems or responsibilities.
This is why people believe smoking helps them if they have a problem.
It is not the cigarette - it is the safe, open feeling that the cigarette seems to evoke. You believe it can help you think more clearly.
And as you begin to enjoy these brief periods of peace, safety and relaxation snatched during the day, you do not realize it but you become convinced that these PLEASURABLE FEELINGS are totally linked - in fact, most of us falsely conclude that they must be in some way INHERENT in the cigarette itself.
What has happened though is that we have transferred pleasurable feelings of peace, relaxation and safety THAT WE HAVE ALLOWED OURSELVES TO EXPERIENCE every time we smoke .......TO the cigarette.
We have set up a neurological association in our bodies between the act of smoking and these feelings.
We have unconsciously transferred pleasurable feelings of peace, relaxation and safety that we have allowed ourselves to experience to the daily act of smoking. (For more information see our free 10-day Quit Smoking Course at ( )
Don't you see the good news this contains ?
You found it hard to stop in the past (even if you were not aware of this ) because you believed with all your heart that if you stopped smoking, IT WOULD BE A GREAT SACRIFICE and you would lose all these pleasurable feelings and sensations.
And what were you told you would experience instead?
Terrible, unpleasant withdrawal pangs. No wonder you did not want to stop.
The truth is......all the time.... the enjoyment you experienced had nothing at all to do with the cigarette.
It was you who allowed yourself to feel those pleasant feelings and unconsciously transferred them onto the cigarette so that...... EVERY TIME you smoked or even looked forward to smoking, you experienced the joy you believed only cigarettes could give you.
And why wouldn't you? Any one would think the same.
You had these nice feelings every time you smoked and so you assumed that in some way they must be linked ........
Then you further assumed that if you took away one of the factors ( i.e. smoking ) you would lose the other i.e. the enjoyment - the pleasant feelings.
This is why the smoker who gives up through understanding what she is doing, unlike the person who struggles along using willpower alone does not envy those people who still smoke.
She has freed herself from smoking through understanding – and not brute willpower!
She is a happy non-smoker! And so can you now!
How to quit smoking and
And yet.....virtually all ARE wrong. If I asked you the question now, what would you say?
But before you answer, please read this article.......AND find out the real truth about smoking and weight gain........and THEN answer.
The Old Willpower Method
This is important. Get this clear in your mind.
When you stop smoking, it does not mean that you HAVE TO gain weight.
There are two parts to this problem and it is important that you understand BOTH of them.
First, I need to be honest with you......
Yes, in the past, people DID tend to gain weight when they gave up smoking.
But this was BECAUSE most people tried to give up smoking using the old Will-Power Method alone.
These people believed that when they gave up, they would feel terrible.
They were then told that the ONLY way to deal with these cravings was to endure them.........and hope that, with time and persistence, they would go away.
They were advised above all...... to use their Willpower and FORCE themselves not to smoke.
And......finally, they were told.... to eat snacks or nibble this or that - ANYTHING, in fact to keep them busy and their minds OFF smoking.
Why eat?
Because the feeling or the 'hunger' for a cigarette is very similar to the feeling you get when you are hungry.
And so, in the past, people ate in the terrible mistaken belief that by eating, they could satisfy their craving for a cigarette and that it would help them keep their minds off smoking.
But of course it didn't work.....
....And the MORE the feeling came back..... the MORE they ate in the belief it could help them.
'Your present is NOT dependent on your past'
So we all have to accept that there was some validity for people gaining weight in the past when they tried to quit.
But that need not be the cause today.
Remember the CAUSE was not giving up smoking but HOW these people went about the process of giving up smoking.
If you look closely at how they went about it, you'll see that....People ate TO NUMB their cravings.
Remember, when you give up smoking, you too will get these selfsame feeling/craving - 'I want a cigarette.'
And you will experience similar feelings when you realize that you cannot have one.
But unlike the old Willpower Method, you will not eat extra in order to ESCAPE or NUMB these feelings.
Because, as we explain in Our Course you will want to WELCOME and ACCEPT these feelings. You will WANT to transmute them.
These FEELINGS/CRAVINGS are NOW the KEY to your success.
Please underline this: The Old Way (Willpower method) was to hate and fear these cravings to smoke.
You were told you had a big fight on your hands, that these feelings would be unpleasant and overpowering.
And because the feeling you get when you want a cigarette is similar to how you feel when you are hungry, of course, you believed that by eating, you could satisfy these feelings or at least alleviate them.
But all you did was to temporarily block off these feelings.
By eating, you give yourself an excuse not to have to deal with and really feel these feelings.
You put off the evil day........and started to put on the pounds!
Never forget that when you give up smoking, you will CONTINUE to have these empty, restless, insecure cravings for the first two or three weeks.....
But now, for the first time in your life, LET yourself have these feelings, these empty sensations in your body. Actually feel them, moment-by-moment in your body.
Sure, you will get the temptation to eat extra - to compensate - to 'fill' in the feelings you believe you are now lacking.
These desires are natural, normal.
They are not bad in themselves. And they are ONLY TEMPORARY.
Just feel them! Yes, it takes courage not to run away and try to escape by eating extra.
If you will just have patience and stay with these feelings, you will discover your moment of truth - that these cravings are no big deal and that you can easily handle them.
You don't have to eat to escape from them. (to find out more about this process, go to our free course at ( )
Please underline:
The belief that you will automatically gain weight if you stop smoking is a myth.
However, there is one other issue we must deal with in regard to weight gain before we proceed.
This is the second part of the problem we mentioned earlier........
Increased metabolism?
Again and again, get this clear in your mind: Giving up smoking does not automatically have to lead to weight gain. And even the latest studies seem to confirm this.
In a large study in the UK involving over a thousand women quitting up smoking - no clear picture emerged.
Some women gained weight, others experienced no change whatsoever while other women actually LOST weight!
However, in regard to the women who gained weight - the average gain of between 5 to 10 pounds over a number of months was generally attributed to metabolic alterations i.e. the change in their metabolic rate.
Let's look at this carefully as a lot of people, especially women STILL use this as an excuse not to give up smoking.
The effects of smoking
To help us, let's try to understand the effects of smoking on your weight........
First of all, smoking DOES burn calories. Up to 200 a day if you are a heavy smoker. Thus smoking can increase your energy expenditure or metabolism.
What does this mean?
It means that when you quit smoking it can cause slight weight gain for certain individuals (unless we take appropriate action!) because their body begins to work more efficiently and their body's metabolism slows and food is digested more efficiently.
Is this bad news if it applies to you? No. it's not.
Please consider this.....
All it means is that you'll have to learn how to , as Kristy Farley points out ........outsmart the pounds!
But first, get this clear in your mind again and again.
When you give up smoking and do not RUN AWAY FROM or try to NUMB your cravings by EATING, YOU WILL NOT GAIN WEIGHT when you stop smoking.
The only weight gain some of our readers should be aware of is a slight weight gain of up to 5 pounds due to the change in their metabolic rate.
However, you can EASILY even avoid that by taking the FOLLOWING SIMPLE ACTION.......
......Outsmart the Pounds!
To ward off gaining ANY extra pounds when you quit, follow these simple steps and improve your general health at the same time.
Remember, if you are a heavy smoker, smoking will burn up 200 calories a day so......
One benefit of quitting, however is that as your body realizes the benefits of not smoking, your energy levels will increase, and you will begin to feel better physically.
A moderate increase in physical activity can keep weight gain to a minimum so.....Exercise daily.
A daily moderate workout not only distracts you from smoking, but also helps reduce tension and stress. Endorphins released in the brain during exercise actually make you feel better. Exercise also increases metabolism, helping you burn more calories.
And's a great fact from the New York Times:
Essential Summary
If you do not RUN AWAY FROM or try to NUMB your cravings to smoke by EATING, YOU WILL NOT GAIN WEIGHT when you quit smoking. FACT.
And even if you are one of those who may experience a slight weight gain of up to 5 pounds, due to metabolic changes- that is the easiest thing to remedy! FACT
Follow our simple advice - and you will not gain even an extra pound!
But the important thing to remember here is this:
It was the Old Way of giving up smoking that caused people to gain weight in the past.
It was the terrible idea that you must use Willpower to FORCE yourself not to smoke.
And the idea that you could use substitutes like food to BLOCK or to ESCAPE from these cravings.
But our approach to giving up smoking is the exact opposite.
We want you to FACE and WELCOME ALL the cravings you get when you stop.
We want you to TRANSFORM them. You now know that by allowing and opening to every feeling and desire WITHOUT judgment or resistance you can MAGICALLY transform how these feelings FEEL, moment-by-moment in your body.
They can actually be experienced as enjoyable sensations - and thus you will feel no compulsion to use food to escape from these cravings.
So why continue EVERY DAY to....CONGEST your lungs with cancerous tars. To CLUTTER up and POISON your blood vessels. And to SENTENCE yourself to a lifetime of.....
* Filth* Bad breath* Stained teeth* Burnt clothes* Filthy ashtrays* And the foul smell of stale tobacco....
......all because of the mistaken BELIEF that if you stop smoking, you must gain weight.
Go the world by your own PERSONAL EXAMPLE that it is a LIE!
Because it is!
And as you show them, ENJOY fully all the great immediate benefits you'll experience when you stop.....
You'll feel f-r-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c !!
Now......what is your answer to that Question, 'Will you gain weight when you stop smoking?
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How to remove the Psychological Addiction to smoking - and start to ENJOY giving
Already since 1972, over 60million people in the USA alone have successfully quit smoking!
At one stage over 60% of the adult population was addicted to this drug. Today it is 28% and dropping........
Now, isn't this a fair thought......
If all these people can do it (60 MILLION OF THEM!) - and they include EVERY TYPE of person imaginable - surely that is PROOF that IT IS POSSIBLE to successfully give up smoking.
Here's another Fact......
We now know from the latest scientific research, that although nicotine is one of the world's fastest acting drugs --- the actual PHYSICAL withdrawal pangs when you give up ARE SO MILD, YOU WILL HARDLY NOTICE THEM WHEN YOU STOP.
YES, you have read that sentence right!
I know you will want to argue with me on this point, but, first, let me first make the following points.......
The Desire to Smoke
Yes, when you stop smoking you will feel the desire AGAIN and AGAIN to smoke.
We all know that feeling -- 'I must have a cigarette'. But that desire in itself is not bad or painful.
It is just a feeling, a sensation we feel in our body.
However........this is where, for most of us our problems start.....
If we start to fear that 'craving' or try to use 'Willpower' to REPRESS it or FORCE it go away, -- "I wish this feeling would go away" we WILL create pain and tension.
This is what as smokers we have all done in the past.
That 'feeling' of wanting to smoke then becomes painful, annoying and terribly irritating.
Now this is the hard part to realize.......
The pain, the horror does not come from the desire to smoke, but from HOW we deal with this desire, moment-by-moment WHEN we stop.
Can I emphasize this:
You do not have to experience ANY pain or agony when you stop. Yes, when you stop you WILL experience a ...........
- Temporary feeling of loss
- A feeling that you are being deprived of something
- A feeling of emptiness
- A feeling that you will never be able to enjoy yourself again.
- A feeling that you must have a cigarette
These feelings, although very real in themselves are not inherently bad or painful. What is important is how you deal with these feelings when you stop.
The key part of giving up smoking naturally is learning how to deal with these cravings when you stop.
Right now, you don't want to give up smoking because you are TERRIFIED of how you will FEEL when you can't smoke.
Let's be honest.
You smoke now because you enjoy it.
Or -- to be more accurate: You smoke now because you have conditioned yourself to enjoy it.
It is important that we are honest with ourselves here.
In fact, even the 'THOUGHT', the mere 'thought' of not been able to smoke probably fills you with utter dread now.
But there is another undeniable fact: This 'pleasure' is killing you.
Again we must be brutally honest here. Everyday, you are systemically destroying your health.
This is the conflict all smokers face.
On the one hand, smoking is killing you and you desperately want to stop.....
..And yet on the other hand, you don't really want to stop because you believe you really enjoy it.
Yet, one other truth cannot be denied and this applies to every smoker........
We are terrified of how we will F-E-E-L when we can't smoke. We are convinced it will be unbearable and impossible.
Right now, the ONLY thing -- yes, THE ONLY THING stopping you from giving up smoking is this fear of how YOU WILL FEEL WHEN YOU STOP.
And yet this very fear is the actual key to giving up smoking naturally.
Giving up smoking is really all about learning HOW to deal with the cravings and feelings you WILL get when you stop.
When you learn how to do that - you will realize that there is nothing to fear when you give up.
What is there to fear ?
When you get the craving to smoke, which you will, again and again - - you will now take the OPPORTUNITY to 'change' or 'transform' that craving so that it is actually enjoyable or at least tolerable to experience.
You have decided to give up smoking. It's dinnertime.
You have finished a day's work.....
You finish your meal and ..... subconsciously, you reach for a cigarette.
But then, of course you remember you no longer smoke.
Bang! At that moment, certain gut feelings will arise.
Feelings of regret........a feeling that you are missing out on something important and then maybe..... terrible feelings of emptiness.....
We all know how it feels.
But the real question is: How will you deal with this feeling -- this craving to smoke?
Will you just suffer it, try to repress it and hope that it will go away?
That is one option. The old willpower method.
Or will you give in to the feeling -- and start to smoke again (promising to start again tomorrow)?
Or will you - - for the first time ever: - - follow our instructions and actually ALLOW yourself to transform the feeling/craving so that it is actually enjoyable or at least pleasant or tolerable enough to experience.
You see, when you can do that, you will no longer be AFRAID of these cravings when you stop smoking.
In fact, you will start to WELCOME them because they will give you another opportunity to RESPOND and DEAL with them in this NEW WAY.
This process is the essence of giving up smoking naturally and finding it a pleasant and life-affirming experience.
Are you now beginning to see how these principles can also apply to losing weight.
You see a beautiful cake. You want to eat it....when BANG! -- You remember you are on a diet.
Now watch HOW YOU feel when this happens?
Couldn't we describe it as ....
'Feelings of regret........a feeling that you are missing out on something important and then maybe..... terrible feelings of emptiness.....
Isn't it essentially the same feeling as not being able to smoke?
However, the real question is the same with smoking: How will you DEAL with this feeling -- this craving to eat?
Will you GIVE IN to it -- and eat the cake or will you try and FORCE yourself not to eat it- and be miserable?
Why not consider our alternative?
Accept this feeling, this desire to eat. But, instead of giving in to it, learn how to deal and respond to it in a NEW way so that you don't MIND experiencing it?
Transform the craving so that it is actually enjoyable or very pleasant to experience.
The Joy of Giving up Smoking?
Remember, when you stop - yes, you WILL feel something but there will be no physical agony, only a temporary feeling that you are MISSING OUT on something.
A feeling that you are being deprived of something SPECIAL --- but these feelings will ONLY be temporary.
However, to quit smoking successfully and to start to enjoy doing it we must go deeper than these temporary cravings.
We must realize that :
You find it difficult or impossible to stop smoking now because......... you BELIEVE ABSOLUTELY that you NEED to smoke and even deeper, you BELIEVE that if you give up smoking now, your life will never be as ENJOYABLE again.
In one sentence: You believe your life will be intolerable.
It is these beliefs that makes giving up smoking difficult NOT Nicotine addiction.
Right now, you are not only physically addicted to smoking but you are psychologically dependent or addicted to smoking.
If your addiction were purely physical wouldn't all these nicotine patches have a 100% success record ?
Yet, we all know that even if we use a nicotine substitute, we will still continue to feel a terrible desire to smoke.
Again and again, we'll feel we must have a cigarette. At times, it will even get to the stage where we just don't care - even the most dire health warnings will have no affect on us - we just WANT to smoke.
Where does this desire come from ?
It comes from our conditioning, our beliefs about smoking.
This moment, we believe that smoking is an essential pleasure.
In fact, most of us have a terrible resistance to EVEN thinking about giving up smoking.
Why ?
Because we believe that in order to do anything about our addiction, i.e. give up smoking -- we would have to end our pleasure and ending pleasure is something we have NO DESIRE to do.
Your real job in giving up smoking lies in REALLY UNDERSTANDING that you don't NEED to smoke.
You remove the psychological addiction to smoking.
You will never be truly free until you realize that smoking is not a real pleasure and that when you stop, you WILL NOT BE depriving ourselves of a real pleasure....... ......and then you will not only be able to give up smoking for good but you will enjoy doing it!
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