Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Why is it so difficult to quit smoking?

Deep down, we all know the absolute futility of putting....dark, dirty, cancerous, tar-infected smoke into our lungs every day.

Yet, we keep on doing it…despite the health warnings, despite the advice of our family and friends and despite all the public bans.

Yet, the irony is – most smokers, in fact as nearly every survey shows the vast majority of all smokers WANT to quit.

Yet, despite this desire, most of us find it extremely difficult to stop.
Why is it so difficult? For smokers, it seems the greatest puzzle of all......

And yet, if we are willing to look at smoking from a radical FRESH perspective , it’s actually no mystery at all.................... !

‘I’ll never do it’

First of all, most smokers who want to give up start off with the completely wrong attitude. Can you be honest with yourself?

When you try to give up, what do you really feel?

I bet you start off, not really believing that you will succeed. You start off more with hope than conviction.

You believe you may last a few days - maybe weeks if you are lucky and nothing important or really stressful happens in your life.

But deep down, you feel that you are climbing a 'Mount Everest' and that it will be extremely difficult to stop. It's really a question of -- 'Let's keep our fingers crossed - but don't expect too much'.

You see, it is vital that you try to develop a more positive and confident attitude towards giving up BEFORE you decide to quit. Note the word, ‘before’.

And the key to developing this confidence, before you decide to quit is UNDERSTANDING the nature of smoking and what makes it so difficult to stop ?

If we don’t do this, it will always be difficult. Try this experiment……

An Eye-Opening Experiment

Right now, take out a cigarette and gently tear it apart.

Then.... place it on the table in front of you. What you will be left with..... are little brown pieces of material (tobacco), a filter and strips of white paper.

Dead, inanimate material.

For the next few minutes, just spend a little while studying this raw material.

Maybe get a pen and ruffle through it. Really study it.

Now ask yourself:

'Do you really believe that by setting that ‘material’ alit and by inhaling it's smoke into your body that it WILL give you confidence and courage?'

Would you find the ACTUAL physical act of INHALING that smoke ENJOYABLE?

Would you stick your head in a fireplace to inhale it's smoke?

Try to be honest with yourself as you do this exercise. I know it is difficult, but it is well worth the effort to face the truth.

I want you to do another exercise now.

I want you to smoke a cigarette. ( Please note if you have already stopped smoking and are just using this article to help you remain an non-smoker, this exercise does not apply to you. Do the exercise in your mind ).

Now I want you to smoke the cigarette...... in a special way.

I want you to smoke With COMPLETE AWARENESS of what you are DOING.

I want you to start now and with full attention, take six deep pulls of the cigarette.

Now as you do this, just be AWARE of what you are DOING and..... of the smoke going into your lungs.

Do not think about anything else.

Just focus, concentrate TOTALLY on the actual act of smoking MOMENT-BY-MOMENT.

Now I want you to tell me.......

WHAT GREAT SENSATIONS OR ENJOYMENT are you experiencing as you do this?

Well, what……..?

Try to describe to me the wonderful experience that we ex-smokers are being deprived of. Strange isn't !

When we do this exercise, we realize that most of the time when we smoke, we are totally UNAWARE of what we are doing.

We have to be - because if we smoke and remain FULLY AWARE of the ACTUAL ACT of smoking moment-by-moment, we would lose all the enjoyment.

We would see through the
illusion of

For the next few days, just watch people smoking.

After they lit up and take the first pull, 99% of smokers forget they are smoking. They are unaware of what they are doing.

They continue smoking blindly......,automatically........ In fact they might as well be not smoking at all..............!!

99% of people who smoke everyday are
unconscious of what they are doing - after their first puff.

This is a very important point, because it reveals an extraordinary truth.

The pleasure, those 'warm, relaxing pleasurable' feelings that we experience when we smoke do NOT actually come from the cigarette.

I know that it will take time to convince you of this truth because the two seem so intertwined - so connected.

This will take time for you to accept but …..look again at the torn-up cigarette lying on the table.

It is a dead, life-less piece of material? Isn't it?

  • Can it jump up and down and attack you?
  • Can it sing and dance and entertain you ?
  • Can it relax and soothe you later on to-day if you become nervous or tense ?

No. Of course not! The truth is......

It is YOU who generate the pleasurable-relaxed safe feelings you experience when you smoke and..... it is YOU who have associated them totally with the act of smoking.

That smoking feeling'.....

Later on, in
DAY 4, of our course, we’ll explain how this process began.

But, right now, what this means is that every time you smoke or more importantly, even think of having a cigarette, you unconsciously release these feelings.

This, in turn, causes the release of certain chemical secretions in your brain and nervous system which cause you to experience that ' certain feeling' you get when you smoke.

The Implications.....

Can you begin to see the implications of this ?

It is YOU by your mental intention to smoke that causes the release of these brain chemicals - not the cigarette. The desire for the cigarette is only the trigger.

But because you believe it is the cigarette ( not an unreasonable assumption !) you believe you MUST smoke to get those feelings.

But even more importantly, you believe that if you stop smoking, you will NEVER experience those lovely, relaxed safe feelings again.

That is what ex-smokers mean when they say 'they long for a cigarette'.

What they really mean is they long to experience those certain PLEASURABLE feelings again.

If you think about it, that's one of the main reasons why you really smoke - isn't it ? To enjoy that feeling - that sensation ! And what is your greatest fear if you give up?

Losing that pleasure, that enjoyment, that need, that security that you believe the cigarette provides.

The truth is….

We smoke because we want to
experience those pleasant feelings that we have unconsciously linked to smoking.

A New Possibility

Lets look again at one of our torn-up cigarette on the table.

With your pen, play around with it.

Really examine it closely. It's hard to believe, isn't it, that this life-less, nothing-less substance can cause so much trouble in your life?

But what is more extraordinary is the awesome powers and qualities that we humans have attributed to it ?

We believe it can......

  • Relieve our boredom
  • Relax us if we are nervous or tense
  • Help us to think and concentrate.
  • And, dangerously, we even believe it can help us stay slim.

Not only have we accepted all those false beliefs, but we have even managed to convince ourselves THAT IT IS ACTUALLY ENJOYABLE TO INHALE IT'S LIFE-DESTROYING, FILTHY SMOKE INTO OUR LUNGS.

Daily suicide?

As smokers, we have all committed the same folly. We have all been in the same boat and made the same foolish mistakes.

But the good news is that we don't have to continue on this suicide mission. The simple truth is......

We find it difficult to give up smoking, not because it is enjoyable, or because it helps us to relax, but because WE BELIEVE that it does all these things for us!

We also believe that if we attempt to give up, it will involve nothing but pain and suffering.

And who wants to face extra pain and agony in their lives?

Yet...Yet....YET.... you need not face ANY pain or agony when you stop smoking if you will just STOP and RELEASE all these false beliefs BEFORE you decide to quit smoking.

Then your whole experience of quitting will be totally transformed....... All Rights Reserved.

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