Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How reading this article..... will make you a Happy non-smoker for life!

Don’t try to give up smoking through brute willpower. Instead free yourself through UNDERSTANDING – and you’ll be a Happy Non-smoker -for life!

Here's how......

How the Story began......

When we are kids, we all see the adults around us smoking. In fact, this is the reason 90% of us start smoking in the first place.

And yet if we ask for one, we are refused and told that it is a terrible, horrible habit; that it tastes awful and that it will kill us!

But, of course as a little kid, we are puzzled and don’t know what to believe:

"What he said can't be true? If it does all those terrible things, why is he still smoking? And why are hundreds of other people doing the same ? They don't seem mad."

And so as a kid, you unconsciously come to the only logical conclusion........:

....''If it can do all these horrible things but people still want to do it - in fact feel terrible if they have to stop - surely there must be something really pleasurable in smoking. Why else would people do it?'


And so, subconsciously the unconscious belief grows in us that, at the very least, cigarette must contain some magical hidden attraction.

There must be some great hidden pleasure or enjoyment in them - why else would people continue to do something that is killing them?

And then so as we get older - and actually smoke our first cigarette, we are further puzzled.

We get nothing at all from the experience - in fact it tastes awful - but yet the next day, we will continue on with this experiment.

Why ?

Because we are convinced (brainwashed?) that it is an inherently pleasurable act.

We reason: "Maybe I just haven't found it yet?

And so we continue...... and of course, unknown to ourselves we become hooked - addicted.

We don't realize it at first - but if we attempt to stop for any reason, we are suddenly surprised to find that it is not as easy as we had imagined.

And then as we attempt to find out why this is so, we fall prone to even more of society's brainwashing (deeply ingrained beliefs) about smoking.

We are told by everybody - even people who have NEVER smoked (how would they know!!) about how difficult it will be to stop and that you will have to suffer, if you want to give up for good.

Most of us have no idea of the extent and the extraordinary power this subtle mental conditioning has over us.

More than nicotine addiction?

In fact, if in giving up smoking, all we had to deal with was the chemical addiction the process would, indeed, be easy.
But we are also psychologically addicted to smoking.

Even though this 'mental conditioning' is only a series of thoughts held in your mind about smoking, these thoughts and beliefs are the Key factor that will determine your success in giving up smoking and actually ENJOYING the process.

It is amazing how much we genuinely believe all the illusions about smoking.

We all genuinely believe that they do something for us - that they are a help, a joy, a comfort, a friend....... And that if they go, we'll miss them terribly.

Can you for the first time in your like ALLOW yourself to think the UNTHINKABLE:

You can FULLY ENJOY yourself without NEEDING to smoke.

But right now, you believe this illusion totally, that you need to smoke to be happy….….and it is your total acceptance of this belief that keeps you trapped in this addictive habit.


It all happens very subtly........

Your body is fine and complete before you begin to smoke.

You are able to get on with ALL aspects of your life without giving the slightest thought to cigarettes EVEN if everybody around you, like your parents are smoking.

When you were young, did you feel your day was ruined if you could not smoke? Did you feel nervous, uncomfortable or unable to concentrate because you could not smoke?

Of course not. Your life went on perfectly normally as a non-smoker.

Before you were a smoker, you were able to get on with EVERY aspect of your life without even giving a thought to cigarettes even if everyone around you was smoking. Soon you will be back to that state,,,,,,

Then, one day you decide to smoke.

To experiment. You force nicotine into your body.

You smoke.

Your body responds by either coughing or if you smoke too much by producing physical sensations of sickness or a dizzy feeling.

This is simply our bodies setting off alarm signals - trying to tell us we are putting an unwelcome poisonous substance into our body.

BUT we ignore it.

We keep on smoking, because deep down..... we are convinced there must be something in it...... and although we will swear that we are not hooked, " I can give up anytime I want - I just don't want to do it now" - we continue on.

But very soon we begin to realize we NEED that next cigarette.

We get a certain feeling ....... a certain emptiness ........ a desire ......... that we feel a cigarette will fill.

We feel uneasy as if we are lacking something .........

We reach for a cigarette - and within seconds, fresh nicotine is supplied and this unexplained hunger or emptiness is filled.

We feel relief and a great pleasure that that empty feeling is gone.


But something else is happening, at a subconscious level that most of us are not aware of.

When we smoke that cigarette and satisfy our craving, we F-E-E-L a great sense of relief and we unconsciously DECIDE TO ENJOY THE MOMENT.

" I'll take a break from what I'm doing". Or if you have a problem........, "I'll allow myself to take a break from worrying about it for a few minutes just to enjoy this cigarette "

---- And so you enter for that brief moment into a relaxed, safe, work-free, problem-free period 'enjoying' the cigarette.

For those few minutes......... you ALLOW yourself time to think, FREE of all your worries and concerns.

For that brief period........ you put aside ALL your worries and problems.....

And…… as time goes on, these 'pleasant, relaxed FEELINGS' become interlinked - totally linked with smoking and certain parts of your day.

Every time you have a cigarette you mentally and emotionally ALLOW yourself ( even if you are unconscious of this happening ) to have a break from your work or worries and for that moment you feel.......



And Secure.

For those few moments, as you smoke...... you do not feel threatened by your problems or responsibilities.

This is why people believe smoking helps them if they have a problem.

It is not the cigarette - it is the safe, open feeling that the cigarette seems to evoke. You believe it can help you think more clearly.

And as you begin to enjoy these brief periods of peace, safety and relaxation snatched during the day, you do not realize it but you become convinced that these PLEASURABLE FEELINGS are totally linked - in fact, most of us falsely conclude that they must be in some way INHERENT in the cigarette itself.

What has happened though is that we have transferred pleasurable feelings of peace, relaxation and safety THAT WE HAVE ALLOWED OURSELVES TO EXPERIENCE every time we smoke .......TO the cigarette.

We have set up a neurological association in our bodies between the act of smoking and these feelings.

We have unconsciously transferred pleasurable feelings of peace, relaxation and safety that we have allowed ourselves to experience to the daily act of smoking. (For more information see our free 10-day Quit Smoking Course at ( )

Don't you see the good news this contains ?

You found it hard to stop in the past (even if you were not aware of this ) because you believed with all your heart that if you stopped smoking, IT WOULD BE A GREAT SACRIFICE and you would lose all these pleasurable feelings and sensations.

And what were you told you would experience instead?

Terrible, unpleasant withdrawal pangs. No wonder you did not want to stop.

The truth is......all the time.... the enjoyment you experienced had nothing at all to do with the cigarette.

It was you who allowed yourself to feel those pleasant feelings and unconsciously transferred them onto the cigarette so that...... EVERY TIME you smoked or even looked forward to smoking, you experienced the joy you believed only cigarettes could give you.

And why wouldn't you? Any one would think the same.

You had these nice feelings every time you smoked and so you assumed that in some way they must be linked ........

Then you further assumed that if you took away one of the factors ( i.e. smoking ) you would lose the other i.e. the enjoyment - the pleasant feelings.

This is why the smoker who gives up through understanding what she is doing, unlike the person who struggles along using willpower alone does not envy those people who still smoke.

She has freed herself from smoking through understanding – and not brute willpower!

She is a happy non-smoker! And so can you now!

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