Author Roy Dobson
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical treatment. It involves in stimulating some particles of the human body for deriving specific outputs. Do not be horrified, as acupuncture is done by piercing the skin with thin needles. It is not painful but seems to be relaxing.
All smokers can use acupuncture to stop smoking. If you are a chain smoker and cannot quit the bad habit at all, then acupuncture can be a good option for helping you quit smoking. It can give you really positive results, where other methods to stop smoking have failed. Yes, acupuncture decreases chronic smoking habits.
The Prerequisites
Once you have reached a decision for using acupuncture to stop smoking, you must first and foremost get a licensed acupuncture practitioner. Make sure that you find a practitioner who has a proper medical cultivation and who can better assess the medical treatment required by you.
The process of acupuncture
Acupuncture is usually done on the cartilage of your ears. Do not worry, the procedure is safe, just ensure that the needles are useful ones, that is they should be purified to avoid contamination.
When you go for acupuncture to stop smoking, the acupuncturist will ask you a lot of questions to understand your health, behavior and lifestyle. Open out to the acupuncturist and do not conceal facts concerning any medical complications or any medications that you might be taking presently. It is only then that the acupuncturist will be able to tell you exactly how many acupuncture sessions you will be requiring.
The needles are pricked on the ear, hands and wrist of the smoker. The needles remain pierced on your skin for 30 to 45 minutes and this relaxes you. The result is that the pricked needles lessen the cravings for smoking.
As the needle pricking sessions are going on, the therapist recommends you to undergo herbal treatments. For speeding up the process of acupuncture to stop smoking, you can apply a mixture of wintergreen and clove oil, Sichuan lovage rhizomes and the extracts of evodia fruits in the acupuncture points.
The therapist will give you the up-to-date information about the progress that you are making. Depending on your condition, the acupuncture to stop smoking can go on for a few days or may continue for maybe a couple of weeks.
The after-effects of acupuncture
When you are done with the acupuncture treatment, the cigarettes seem to have a foul and nasty burnt taste; you do not feel like smoking. Yes, acupuncture to stop smoking also decreases the side effects of nicotine withdrawal, like cravings, depression and anxiety.
The acupuncture treatment also helps in de-congesting your lungs and improves your blood circulation.
Try acupuncture if you seriously want to quit smoking. Do not let your desire to stop smoking just be another New Year resolution that you intend to break. Trust acupuncture, and free yourself from the addiction of smoking.
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